Are You New to SEO? These 10 Tips Should Help

When a company website is clicked on, nine out of 10 times it comes from a first page Search Engine Results listing. More and more, companies are realizing that users, at least 70% of them, prefer organic search results. One of the best ways to get higher ranking is to use quality SEO and internet marketing techniques. To help companies that might be new to the game, here are my top 10 seo tips.

  1. Free SEO advice is available directly from Google, and also from blogs written by internet marketing gurus. Let free information on the internet help to instruct you.
  2. Search engine optimisation tools are plentiful. Read blogs and reviews to determine which will be most useful, and most affordable for you.
  3. If you are finding that using search engine optimisation tools is a little too difficult for your staff, consider acquiring internet marketing help from SEO experts. Remember, you get what you pay for.
  4. Do not forget about social media. Social media and social bookmarking are essential to being found, shared, and therefore indexed.
  5. Pay attention to your keywords, but do not go overboard. Use them naturally in your content or you risk looking like spam to Google.
  6. Read infographics. They hold a wealth of website marketing ideas, and they are generally free to view.
  7. Steer clear of any black hat SEO techniques. Google has staff to root out these techniques, and punish offenders.
  8. Read up on some of the best SEO books to glean information from the experts. Free information on the internet is great, but a published book is more likely to be reliable and insightful.
  9. Some of the best SEO advice I have for you is to create content worth reading and sharing, first and foremost.
  10. Do not forget that SEO is no substitute for a strong brand, a reputable business, and quality products and services.

Be sure to follow these 10 tips and you will find that SEO is not as incomprehensible as it first seems to be. Read blogs, articles, advice from experts, books, and infographics to stay current with the latest techniques and trends. The better you understand SEO and how techniques serve to bring higher rankings, the better you will be able to implement those techniques and reap the benefits.

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