7 Ways to Get Your Blog High in the Google Rankings

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The big thing to remember today is that no business is going to survive without building a web presence. You might not be a business, per se, but if you’re a blogger, you’re a brand. Brands get noticed up in the Google rankings right alongside real, thriving companies. If you want to get noticed, it’s time to take a few online marketing tips to heart.

1. Write well.

This one is obvious enough, but you’d be surprised how many people create blogs and never bother to fully develop their ideas. Just because a blog post can be read in three minutes doesn’t mean you have to write one that should be. Make your ideas worth reading and practice your craft every single day.

2. No seriously, keep writing, and do it well.

It really can’t be said enough. And don’t just stop at the writing — be your own editor, too, and be rough on yourself. If you can see the weak points in your posts before your readers, you can get the jump on them by addressing them directly. Online marketing isn’t a game, but it can be played like one. That’s why it’s important to…

3. Post early and post often.

Blogs are now the new morning newspaper. People tend to read them as soon as they get into the office as they try to settle into their routines. Write plenty of content, then set it to go live at 6 or 7 in the morning so you can be there to greet your readers with some fresh insight.

4. Cater to your audience, but don’t lose your voice.

Blogging is one of the most beneficial search engine optimization tools a brand can utilize. In fact, businesses that blog typically report 434% more indexed pages in Google than those who don’t. In other words, the more pages you have, the more chances you have of building up your operation. Stick to your audience and keep them coming back, but always include what’s made your posts unique in the first place.

5. Stick to short-and-sweet posts.

Though your ideas should be solid and your content should be strong, you need to make it easy to digest in order to boost your readers’ takeaway. Don’t skimp on quality, but skimp on length if you have to. Make it shareable and watch it go viral when you…

6. Partner up with social media.

Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Tumblr can be huge resources for getting your content shared via the web. Search engines are another. Keep your headline catchy, your images eye-catching and your content flowing and see who clicks on your blog. Make it accessible to as many eyes as you can.

7. Give yourself time to blossom.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your blog won’t be built overnight. Use social media and other online marketing tools to your advantage, and let the readers slowly find you over time. Make your content worth finding, and slowly but surely, you’ll find your audience on the web. All it takes it a little luck and a lot of determination to grow your brand.

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