Use SEO Reporting Tools to Your Advantage

Seo news

Google rankings are extremely important because three fourths of all online users who are searching for information online will never scroll past the first page of search results. Seo reporting helps a website owner know just where they are in search engine rankings. SEO reporting will also reveal your link’s click through rate, such as PPC links. However, organic click through rates are going to generate a 25 percent higher conversion rate than pay per clicks will produce. Most people who go online searching for things do not want to be an obvious target of advertising, so organic links count for more.

Google is one of the most popular search engines today. They had their first ever tweet published on Feb 26, 2009, which was the now famous binary code for “I’m feeling lucky.” You can still see it when you use the Google search engine. SEO reporting on Google searches is extremely important in the world of search engine optimization. Posting reviews can generate views online and are also important to know about in SEO reporting. In fact, 48 percent of the time, people use reviews that they find on the Google search engine when they want to find out things about a product or service. You can use SEO reporting facts to your advantage when you know this.

People nowadays are using their smart phones more than any other device to get online. In fact, 65 percent of them are making purchases online using their smartphone or tablet. Online users also use these small mobile devices to find out where a local business is that they want to buy something from. Once they find it, they will buy online too. SEO reporting tools can be used to your advantage if you own a business website. Find out more about seo reporting tools and seo services by reading online reviews and visiting seo websites online today.

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